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Residential Care
We believe in quality built homes and our Service team exists to service your home as it needs. At Wesmont, we provide a in-house service team that is dedicated to ensure our customers receive the best support.
Full Warranty
We provide 2-5-10 warranties with additional one year request for service after sale.
100% Transparency
You're with builder from start to finish, this allows 100% transparency to homeowner and we are with you each step of the way.

Commercial Care
At Wesmont, we provide professional support and services to ensure the property is superior for each business and that each business can run as smooth as possible. Our detailed reports coupled with constant availability allow us to serve you best.
Dedicated Support
With excellent response times and dedicated service will ensure your business to run smoothly.
Superior Maintenance
Operating with the expectation of great quality allows our tenants to be at ease.